Registration and Fees


Category Fee
Adult, site only $7
Under 18, site only - free Free
Feast, Adult $10
Feast, under 18 $3
Non-member surcharge $5



The form below is provided for your convenience (and ours).

It is fully interactive and will allow you to type in the names and other information on attendees; it will also calculate the payment amount when you click the appropriate categories. You can save the form on your computer. (If you encounter difficulties using the form, contact the webmaster.)

Lest there be any confusion: This interactive PDF form is NOT online registration. Although it may appear in your browser window, it is completely on your own computer (your children's names will not be transmitted across the Internet) and you will need to print it out and mail it in.

North Oaken Regional Arts and Sciences Faire Registration Form

Mail the completed form to the Gatekeeper, Jared of Coventry, using the mundane name below:

Jeff Reid
1974 E 226th St
Euclid, OH 44117

Make checks payable to "SCA - Barony of the Cleftlands".
