rum banner

The Æthelmearc Æcademy

joins with

The Royal University of the Midrealm

to present

RUM 2013

in the Barony of the Cleftlands

Nov. 2, 2013

Cleveland Central Catholic High School
And St. Stanislaus Church Social Hall
6550 Baxter Ave., Cleveland, OH 44105




In addition to a full slate of classes, this special edition of the Royal University of the Midrealm will feature:

A Grand Ball

Silent Auction

Craftspersons Faire

See the Activities page for details.


External Links

Society for Creative Anachronism

Barony of the Cleftlands (newcomers page)


Royal University of the Midrealm permanent site


Go to this site for detailed class schedules and descriptions.


Æthelmearc Æcademy permanent site

Æcademy SITE